Writing a fictionalized crime novel is a bad bet. The chances of success based on percentages are almost zero. This is why I joined both Medium and Substack in my attempt to become a better writer. Why would anyone subject themselves to something, which could often be considered as a foolish dream? Injuring your pride and dignity is not fun, but I believe with practice, will and fortitude, you can achieve what you’ve set out to do.

Authors Michael Connelly and Robert Crais have been my inspiration. The development of characters like Detective Hieronymus “Harry Bosch” and the Lincoln Lawyer “Mickey Haller” have brought these fictional characters from Michael Connelly to life. The same can be said about Robert Crais’ characters of “Elvis Cole” and “Joe Pike”, who he gave the realism and the unusual personality traits to a Private Detective and his right hand man.

My writing skills are nil by comparison to the above. With more than 20 years of experience as a policeman, sergeant, lieutenant, detective, Chief of Police, private investigator and bodyguard, I do have a lot of stories to tell. I need to learn how to write them down with the character development that’s more like the accomplished writers I have referred too. Writing police reports that are accurate, succinct and without feeling has been my style (saw sub, sank same) for my entire life. Being overly verbose like the AI styles I now see, would have writers like Mark Twain, Hemingway and Steinbeck turning in their graves.

I’ll keep working and submitting my stories to whoever will publish them. I hope my writing improves with practice. At 80 years of age, it’s not for money or even recognition (I’ll probably use a pen name or non de plume as they say). As a story teller, I get immense satisfaction and a feeling of pride when able to connect with people while telling my stories.