Some attacks against the norm are not only justified, but often necessary. Social injustice, systemic racial prejudice, income inequity and especially governmental corruption are all some valid reasons to seek change in ways where we break from normal procedure.

Our congressional representatives must speak for the people who elected them. When they stray from their elected duties and put personal objectives before their constituents direction, we may need to act in unusual ways to bring this to the people who elected them. “Whistleblowers” are individuals that can provide the right information to the right people. Lawful whistleblowing occurs when an individual provides information that they reasonably believe is evidence of wrongdoing by an authorized person.

Whistleblowers can often show courage and integrity, placing themselves and careers at risk. Persons that demonize the allegations put forth by a legitimate whistleblower are more than likely doing what they are accused of. Protections for whistleblowers must be kept in place to insure that they will come forward with valuable inside information when needed.

Motives of personal benefit by elected politicians or appointed bureaucrats will destroy our democracy. Bending the rule of law for your self-aggrandizement, or the obstruction of justice by the removal or appointment of others who will intercede on your behalf will surely place us on this dangerous road. We must hold all those who act in concert to subvert, obstruct and participate in violating the rule of law accountable.

This story is a negative example of the consequences that can befall on honorable people doing the right thing. Our top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council, Army Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman was authorized to hear the communications between President Trump. and Ukraine’s President Zelenskyy. The conversation was easily understood. Political investigations on Biden for weapons. He reported his alarm regarding the recordings to a superior. By telling the truth about the “Quid pro quo” (something for something) he was subsequently forced into an early retirement at a lower rank by the White House. Speaking the truth and doing the honorable thing should warrant praise, not punishment.