The real Truth About Getting Rich (Note the Absence of the Word Quick) has always been the same. It starts with a good idea and a sound plan to implement it. I call the following syllabus my plan for success by using these steps. Your “Illuminating Idea”. Then your “Innovative Incentive” along with “Interesting Initiatives”, “Intelligent Investment” and finally “Ingenious Implementation”, this will be of help in guiding you to your entrepreneurial goals.
Of course these two word sentences or keywords are not a substitute for tenacity, determination, commitment and patience. Another attribute that is imperative is flexibility. Your original plan will probably incur several adjustments once you learn more details in establishing your business.
Most budding entrepreneurs are not born to millionaires, or have easy access to venture capitalists, or even enough of the start-up funds needed. Having a regular job to finance your dream of having your own business will probably be necessary. This is why the caveat “(Note the Absence of the Word Quick)” is mentioned in the sub-title.
Unless you are extremely lucky and win the lottery, strike it rich at the casino or some other highly unlikely means of quick money, you’ll just have to put in the extra work. In most instances, success is in the future, this is where tenacity, determination, commitment and patience enter the game, without it you will not succeed. Most of my business successes seemed to have came when at about the end of my rope.
This brings us to the final attribute needed in this short story. My original ideas were often considerably different than the one that I started with. The ability to shape changes to fit the new circumstances requires flexibility. Without the ability to make things work in a variety of ways, it could spell doom for a new start-up business.
I do offer free advice to all who email me based on my more than 70 years of entrepreneurial experience. You can contact me by sending an email to