Experience can be a powerful tool in learning, but often it can be a slow, painful way to learn. Taking advantage from the mistakes of others can shorten the road to entrepreneurial success. Our young spokesperson will be asking intuitive. perceptive questions to be answered by The- Idea-Man with over 70 years of entrepreneurial experience.
Teachers will often use analogies (a similarity between concepts) to make difficult concepts easier to understand for their students. An allegory (a narrative that conveys a secondary meaning) is often based on a moral fable or a parable. Usually a short tale that tells a universal truth. Simple narratives that are often told to children are a good example and they can be easily conceptualized. Stimulating questions and answers will add an entertaining touch to our students.
In the teaching of prospective entrepreneurs, we feel the most important aspects are the characteristics and mind set needed to succeed and that will outweigh all else. Having a innovative product or idea without the skills that all entrepreneurs have in common can spell the end of success.
This is the philosophy behind our unique, unusual and decidedly different training course. Our YouTube spokesperson is a nine year boy, who is both a prodigy and very precocious. He will host a 10 to 15 minute, weekly presentation on “The-Idea-Man.org” channel, where he’ll ask incisive, intelligent, analytical and clear-thinking questions. These pre-arranged and hopefully entertaining questions will all be answered to the best of my ability. Any questions asked by subscribers will be answered by submitting them to our contact page on website.
There is no cost involved in any of our presentations, our goal is for your success.