Empowering People for a More
Democratic Future
The political manipulations by Republicans in congress (both House and Senate), the corrupt judicial actions by the Republican Supreme Court members is enough to make anyone who is opposed to their self- serving and undemocratic ways to be fed up.
What can we do about it? We’re told we must accomplish this by getting out the vote, but even this is being manipulated by the super rich, gerrymandering, voter restrictions and by some of the bigoted and racial discriminations of our elected officials. It’s not surprising that many have given up.
If we are ever going to be a true Democracy again, (which may take a long time to achieve), we have to take the money out of politics. Elected officials at every level of government must place their own constituents wishes first, not for their own power, importance, re-election and enrichment. The billions of dollars spent in the election and re-election process tells the story, money could be better spent. The human nature elements of kindness, compassion and empathy in elected officials is the key to a successful democracy.
I believe in the good people of this world. People who make the personal sacrifices for the betterment of our society for all. These are the people of good character that we need to elect. Not the ones who make a career for themselves, who only care about re-election and what is best for themselves or their donors. With high salaries, generous medical benefits and lifelong retirement plans, this can only serve to attract many of the most self-serving people as candidates.
Newly elected representatives should be limited to their post for a specific time duration, while serving their constituents. Elected officials should be paid near the same amount they received at their occupation, along with any other benefits they had. Returning to their old job should be recognized, if possible.
Travel, temporary residence, staff and any other expenses directly related to serving the people will be paid. In our founding fathers plan, the representatives of the people should emulate the community they serve. All in their district should have a say in what could help the citizens to a better life. This would help in getting the very best possible candidates for representing our government and people.
The continual efforts of the right in the restricting of people to vote by a variety of means must be stopped. New legislation designed to prevent this abuse of citizens by allowing them easy access to vote is a major priority.
As an old man living abroad on a limited budget, voting has become increasingly more difficult. I’m sure more pensioners living in foreign countries would like to vote if made easier. We can still love America and wish for a government that cares about all of it’s citizens.