My efforts over a short period of time have had a profound effect
in the understanding of myself. Quite a revelation to someone who has lived an adventuresome and often chaotic life. Now I know why. Storytelling has always been a large part of my character, I just never wrote anything down to explain it to myself.

Living conditions at the time of your story will play an integral role and are necessary in making the whole complete. They are essential. Looking back on all of the 50 stories I’ve submitted to Medium for publication over the past six months, they all have something in common. The storyteller needs to set the scene in regard to location and living conditions.

Storytelling techniques can be used both verbally or in your writings. Focus on setting the scene, which is often called the PETAL structure. Other considerations in effectively telling your story are, suspense, surprise, conflict, personal and relatable with a dramatic ending. Be sure to tell the written story the same way you would as if it was being given verbally.

Storytelling is the oldest way of lasting communications, either by the spoken or written words. Developing your storytelling skills can benefit your brand and will connect you to your audience. By mastering the art of passing down information from one generation to another, you can help to stabilize the thought processing and hopefully it will benefit the world. These are lofty goals that could possibly lead to success beyond your dreams.

Even ancient man had their petrographs and pictographs left on rock walls as their legacy. I’ll be using storytelling as one of the oldest means of communication on Medium submissions for my simple goals. As long as I can get inspiration from my past life, I’ll have plenty of stories to tell.