The political games played by some of our elected officials is disgraceful. They are responsible for their actions and should be voted out of office. Who knows how many Ukrainian children, elders and ordinary citizens lost their lives or were seriously injured due to Russia’s terrorist attacks and Republican obstruction?
The intentional targeting of schools, churches, hospitals and residential housing is pure terrorism and Russia is fully aware of it’s consequences. The Americans who support these acts by not condemning them, do not belong in office. The American political system, where the majority agrees on helpful action for the protection of our allies, should not be held hostage by the few ill informed, misguided and ignorant minority.
The shameful acts by people who should know better is why I’m writing this piece. Being ashamed of your country is something so alien, I never thought I’d feel this way. Great coverage was available by commentators like Jake Broe and others, but I was so angered by the facts, I could not bear to watch them any more. Is winning an election more important than saving the lives of soldiers protecting their country from tyranny? How about our soldiers lives that are being saved by the Ukrainians fighting for democracy.
If it was about the money, we all know that our economy is doing well. Most of the money designated for Ukraine is being spent right here at home. Replacing the older weapons we’re sending to Ukraine with newer weapons would seem to be a smart move. Has any Republican supporting Russia’s invasion of Ukraine provided an answer to this question?
Republicans supporting Russia’s goals of retaking the Baltics can only result in more warfare in Europe. How can this be good for America? The line has been drawn at Ukraine, it must stop there. Ukraine has already proven itself to be a strong protector of democracy and with world support, they will defeat Russian aggression and retain their own independence.
I know that most all Americans already know what I’ve been saying, but with the arms and air support coming soon, Ukraine will prevail. I feel much better now that I’ve gotten all this off my chest.